Cobia Fishing With Torrey Smith

Date: 2023/03/11 - By Michaela Watkins

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  • Cobia Fishing With Torrey Smith

Symmetry had the pleasure of making a significant connection with the one and only Torrey Smith, a former Maryland Terp and Baltimore Raven. Following his successful football career, Torrey has made great strides in giving back to his community. One such way is through his youth organization, LEVEL82

LEVEL82 strives to create a gathering space for those who live, work and play in Baltimore City while developing strategically-curated programming to empower the community. 

Feeding off of Torrey’s existing love for fishing and hunting, Symmetry invited him on a Cobia fishing trip on the Chesapeake Bay. He and a few of his kids from Level 82 spent the afternoon aboard the Marylander (a local charter) catching everything from Cobia to Rockfish, all while learning about the diverse variety of species right here in Maryland. It was yet another enriching experience these kids were able to be exposed to and could potentially create as a hobby of their own.

It was a great day for all and created a lasting relationship between all parties to get involved in future endeavors that cater to our youth and the great outdoors.

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